de tijger eet de zebra en de vogel vliegt verschirkt weg, benjamin verdonck

de tijger eet de zebra en de vogel vliegt verschrikt weg

(the tiger eats the zebra and the bird, alarmed, takes off)

On the making of Tiger (longread by Edith Cassiers)

premiere on Saturday 22 February 2020
Bourla, Antwerpen

“Those who first invented and then named the constellations were storytellers. Tracing an imaginary line between a cluster of stars gave them an image and an identity. The stars threaded on that line were like events threaded on a narrative. Imagining the constellations did not of course change the stars, nor did it change the black emptiness that surrounds them. What it changed was the way people read the night sky.” — John Berger


de tijger eet de zebra en de vogel vliegt verschrikt weg
is a sad song
about human beings and the things that surround them
although the moon
(which also plays a role)
remains quite indifferent to it all

oh! you shall see vat you shall see


tour dates 2020 here
read more here