One more thing
a versatile and mobile miniature show inspired by a sentence from Cesare Pavese’s novel
Il diavolo sulle colline (The Devil in the Hills).
a show-box that fits into a wooden case
a different musician every evening
words that glide past coloured areas
strings, curtains that open and close
A short miniature road show for small audiences that can pop up anywhere at any moment – living rooms, parochial halls, festival cafes, dark woods. Its small scale is deliberate, an attentive gesture inspired by an awareness of the ecological catastrophe, a concern that has been present in Verdonck’s work for some time. The sountrack is created during the performance by a musician coming from where the performance takes place.
One More Thing has been presented in Belgium, Austria, France, Portugal, Italy, Latvia, Slovenia, Lithuania and in Szczecin, Poland, where Verdonck received the Zygmunt Duczyński Award for Most Striking Artistic Personality at the Small Theatre Forms festival KONTRAPUNKT 2016: “for consequence in creating autonomous artistic expression and original theatrical language based on minimalistic means of expression, a language which seduces us.”
By Benjamin Verdonck
Production Toneelhuis, KVS
Coproduction Kunstenfestivaldesarts, NXTSTP, Steirischer Herbst
With the support of programme Culture de l’Union européen
Recorded sountracks: