Cadeaux d’anniversaire et autres choses
three works
presented in an old cake factory near Paris
a fourth one on stage in the same building
an unusual occasion of visual and theatre work combined
a single artistic universe
exposed in a double bill
works on display
Les cadeaux d’anniversaires (1995-2019)
“In 2016, we moved from Antwerp to Kapellen. When packing up my studio, I notice that since 1995 (I am 23), I have a present from almost every birthday.”
Kapellen (ongoing)
“Since I’ve been living in Kapellen, the living room has been my studio and starting point for this collection, the focus of which is on what happens in the immediate vicinity of my work table.”
Collection de ballons de foot joués à l’au-delà (2009)
Finished footballs from Verdonck’s collection
work on stage
Saturday 28 September – Chansonette pour Gigi (Liedje voor Gigi)
A house, shadows, doors that open and close again.
A staged installation, a theater performance, a concert,
in which Benjamin Verdonck is the sceneshifter
who sets the images in motion, only to become lost within them.
A children’s song, accompanied live on stage
by two musicians, Bram Devens and Tomas De Smet.
Invitation by Festival C’est comme ça! – L’Echangeur in Château-Thierry near Paris
Cadeaux d’anniversaire et autres choses is on display from Saturday 21 September till 19 October 2019. Official opening is on Saturday, 28 September 28 when Song for Gigi plays in the Grande Salle.